Acadia Landscape Photography Workshop 2023


Join me from October 10-15th for five days of all-out photography in one of America's most beautiful national parks. I'll be taking you to many of my favorite places in Acadia, as well as giving you personal tips and instruction to help improve your photography skills. We'll visit all the most iconic places in Acadia, as well as some lesser known spots– I've been photographing Autumn in Acadia since 2006 and know my way around the park better than most. The second to third week of October is always the best time for fall colors and if you've never been to New England in autumn, you're in for a real treat.

Along the way, I'll also be teaching you landscape photography– about light and how important it is, choosing the right lens for any given subject, using your camera in full manual mode to create better, artistic images, working with whatever weather we're given, essential and non-essential gear and more.

We'll be rising early every morning to meet at 5:30 and photograph the sunrise (which is around 6:50am) in a different part of Acadia each day, then heading back to the hotel for breakfast. Afterwards, we'll head out again for more photography, break for lunch, then shoot some more until after the sun goes down around 6pm. When the photography is done, we'll head into the small town of Bar Harbor for dinner together before calling it a night and getting some sleep, then doing it all over again the next day. For those that are interested, after dinner I can show you how I process my photos in Lightroom and Photoshop and prep photos for printing, websites or social media.

This isn't a strenuous trip, but you should be in good health and be able to climb over the rocks and boulders along the Atlantic coast (Acadia is on an island so there's plenty of coastline for us to photograph), as well as hiking in the woods and on trails. Some of the locations we'll be visiting are close to the road so there isn’t always lots of hiking involved, but we’ll be hiking out to photograph some of the vistas. Bring sturdy hiking boots and warm clothes. Acadia can get cold in the Fall, though it can warm up nicely during the day too.

As we get closer to October, I'll send you tips for what to pack, what camera gear I'm bringing (to give you an idea of what to bring, and what not to bring), and more.

The cost for this photo tour will be $2500. This includes all excursions, instruction, park passes and transportation to each location. It also includes accommodation at my favorite Bar Harbor hotel, just minutes from the national park. I'm one of the only photographers to include accommodation and transportation in the cost, so if you're comparing workshops, make sure you add in the cost of a hotel and transportation for any other workshops you’re considering. Hotel costs on your own can add over $1,000 to your bill.

You would need to cover the cost of any lunch and dinner each day, transportation to and from Bar Harbor and any other incidental expenses.

I want this to be the trip of a lifetime for you, where you get to spend several days in a beautiful part of the country at a beautiful time of the year, learning about photography and growing your passion for landscape photography, and enjoying the company and camaraderie of other like-minded photographers. Check out images made by some of the photographers who attended the workshop in October 2022.

If you're interested in joining us, fill in the form below and I’ll email you a registration form:


Photographing in the Dust Bowl, Part I


From the Archives/ O'Hare Airport, 1986